On Athletics Club

Capturing the launch of a globally competitive athletics team




On Running

Project Type




OAC was founded with the goal of pursuing global running excellence, and their starting roster included some of the biggest names from the NCAA and experience from distance running legend Dathan Ritzenhein. In their inaugural year, they produced four Olympians.

Capture the launch of a globally competitive athletics team on 35mm film

As the lead photographer, my role was to capture the team doing what they do best—perfecting their craft on the dirt roads and tracks of Boulder. This involved designing a shoot that would showcase the team's skills and dedication to their sport. I worked closely with On's creative team to create visually striking photos that would capture their essence and build a story around this new team.

I followed the newly minted On Athletics Club around for a week—hanging out of a van, trekking across mountain canyons, and in a backyard Airbnb playing Catan with some of the fastest people in the world, all while toting my 5 lb Canon 1v-HS. As a lifelong runner myself, being able to tell the stories of people pursuing their dreams in track and field is just as good as it gets.

Special thanks to On Running, Steve Dekoker, Andrew Wheating, and the On Athletics Club!

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